Exclusively For Agents Who Want A Guaranteed 15 to 40 High Quality Leads and Appointments Per Month
Your First Name *:
Your Last Name *:
Your Email *:
Your Phone Number *:
Current Annual Income *:
Desired Annual Income *:

Tell Us a Little About Yourself and Your Business: *

This is your chance to get exclusive PRE-SET IUL APPOINTMENTS filling your schedule.

Members not only get pre-set IUL appointments but they will also get additional Preferred Leads, access to our Proven Phone Selling Sales Process, and ongoing sales training plus weekly coaching sessions to help you get results faster.

  1. Pre-Set IUL Appointments (Not just IUL leads - we set the appointments FOR YOU! And some annuity sales too!)
  2. Preferred Leads (read below to find out more)
  3. Tailored Sandler Sales Process and Ongoing Training (Get the most effective sales process ever developed specifically for our prospects and IUL/Annuity Products)
  4. Coaching with our Trained Experts
  5. Access to our Live Events for Masterminding and Advanced Training

Pre-Set IUL Appointments

We've been spending a king's ransom on marketing to generate inbound phone calls so we get people on the phone immediately rather than chasing prospects over the phone like most IUL leads. We focus on targeting the right psychographics (targeting specific beliefs and behaviors, not just age and income) we want people that are already thinking about safe money and alternative solutions. Then when they hear our advertisements their ears perk up and they give us a call.

The calls come into our call center and we focus on finding their financial frustrations (pains) so they are invested in having a meeting with you to resolve that major problem in their life.

Once the appointment is set we send the prospect a confirmation email with the date and time of the appointment and it includes a compelling video they need to watch before meeting with you.

We also mail a hard copy of the 'Wealth Beyond Wall Street' book along with our famous "Shock and Awe" packaged designed to educate and pre-sell prospects before you even talk to them.

You are notified as soon as possible so you can call to confirm the appointment.

For the majority of the leads we also get cell phone numbers so you can text a reminder to the prospect a few hours before the appointment.

Preferred Leads

These are the same type of prospects as our pre-set appointment leads. They are coming from the same sources, the only difference is they have not yet set an appointment. Normally they want to get the book first and have some time to read it so they are often even better, more educated prospects.


Over the past year our team of in house agents has been hard at work spending hours on the phones generating appointments, working with prospects and closing huge cases in our laboratory.

We've recorded calls, dissected them, analyzed them, and put them back together. We've tested new approaches, improved the scripting and questioning techniques, and developed a process that is working to close 2 IUL apps per week per agent…ALL over the phone!

In fact, we've taken 2 complete rookies to the industry and turned them into 6 figure (in commission) closers in less than 12 months. Selling over the phone!

The results have been spectacular in creating an effective sales process to close deals over the phone.

When you work with us you will receive our proven sales process.

The scripting to set appointments at the highest conversion level possible (with Preferred Leads and follow up appointments).

The confirmation call: Make sure your appointment is planning on showing up

The "You missed your appointment call" (This is killer! Incredibly effective at actually getting people to call you back!)

The First Homework assignment: This includes the email to send and the video they need to watch.

The First appointment: Credibility and ground rules, the prospects concerns, the current financial environment, recommendations and trade-offs, building value, and gaining commitment.

The Second Appointment: Review changes and concerns, the enemies of wealth, the future financial environment and taxes, blueprint for success, health and taking the app.

Getting the App Scripting: Make getting the app and check the easy part of the process, and do it on the second or third appointment. All over the phone!

The Second Appointment Homework Video: Continue to develop pain and educate the prospects between the first and second appointments.

The Third Appointment Homework IUL Video: A powerful video about all the benefits of the IUL.

To see if our program would work for you, set up a free consultation. This is a no obligation process, lets see if we would be a good fit working together.

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